Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting][selectors] Behavior of & at the root of a stylesheet (#10287)

For me the "root specificity exception" (i.e. that root-level `&` targeting `:scope` has zero selector specificity, like in current Firefox and Chrome) makes also sense, but I understand that it seems like an extra hatch maybe.

Intuitively I'd expect that when I fold everything I have so far in a style with one or more `&`s it should not change "much", i.e. in.
& { & { body { --prop: 3; } } }
& { body { --prop: 2; } }
body { --prop: 1; }
I'd expect to `--prop` to be still `1`.

I see that it might be inconsistent with non-root `&` behaviour and explicit `:where`s would be required here to make it weak again, thus uniform with `&`'s general behaviour. I guess in
:where(&) { :where(&) { body { --prop: 3; } } }
:where(&) { body { --prop: 2; } }
body { --prop: 1; }
`--prop` gets resolved to `1` even in Safari right now? (Cannot test.)

This also maybe raises a question for #8752 , whether `<el style="--prop: …;">` and `<el style="& { --prop:  …; }">` should make any difference or not.

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