Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

@jgthms but how treating Masonry as 1-dimensional layout could account for items spanning multiple columns, as most examples in the documentation of Masonry by @desandro show? It clearly seems to introduce the horizontal dependencies between columns (you have to check the height of neighbouring columns as well while choosing where to put the next element), and these dependencies can be considered "virtual row lines". And limiting the possible layout to single-column version would exclude "magazine layouts" like [in this example](

To me, Masonry is still 2-dimensional, and @desandro himself describes his library as a "Cascading _grid_ layout library". I see the key difference from the regular Grid, which works "from layout in" in both direction, that Masonry works from layout in in one direction and from content out (like Flexbox) in another. However, differentiating 2-dimensional "masonry grids" and 1-dimensional "masonry columns" (like "masonry" vs. "waterfall" [in the comment above]( might make sense.

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