Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Interpolating calc-size() more generally (#10294)

I think the other question here is whether it's desirable in this case that it's part of the `transition` shorthand.  I think there was some suggestion (although maybe not) in the meeting today that people might want to enable this "globally" (although I think that becomes a bad idea for more complex sites built from components).

If this is enabled by `transition-behavior` (which is part of the `transition` shorthand), then enabling "globally" would probably:
* require `!important`
* require also choosing whether to use `allow-discrete` or not (where using `allow-discrete` may be problematic if `transition-property: all` is used, and not using it may be problematic for any of the use cases that require it such as transitions involving `content-visibility` or `display`).

But maybe enabling "globally" isn't really a use case; I think it's probably undesirable for sites that are built from component pieces.  Given that, I think it's probably OK for it to be a part of the `transition` shorthand and part of `transition-behavior` as long as there's an equivalent for animations and web-animations (see previous comment).

Though, regarding that comment, I'm not quite sure what you meant by:
> 2. We introduce a property to refer to the interpolation behavior.

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