Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting][selectors] Behavior of & at the root of a stylesheet (#10287)

Currently the spec says that 

> The [specificity]( of the [nesting selector]( is equal to the largest specificity among the complex selectors in the parent style rule’s selector list (identical to the behavior of [:is()](

As I read the current spec, `&` as the top level selector resolves to the same thing as `:scope` in the same context (i.e. to `:root`) but has the specificity identical to that of `:is()` with the empty selector list (i.e. zero). So behavior of Chrome and Firefox looks intuitive to me and behavior of Safari (presuming it does some implicit conversion/substitution) seems too "magical". However, adding an explicit clarification about that particular case would be great!

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