Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element (#8320)

> Do note that auto would work in Jen’s case as the code is not using any custom animations. Once an author wants to use a custom animation, auto itself can’t help you there. When everything is set to auto, how would you apply custom animations onto them: ::view-transition-group(?whatgoeshere?)?

Using `view-transition-class`, obviously.

>> ( To address things that move or disappear, authors can use unique tags for those items. So let's say you have a list of 10 items and you're moving item 8 to be the 2nd item. You identify that item with a unique name, and the rest of the items with a generic one, and the UA matches them up in DOM order.
> Removing nodes is not covered by this. Take a list of 10 items where you remove item 2 wrapped in a View Transition. All items after the original item 2 get the numbers 3-10 in the old snapshot but 2-9 in the new snapshot – they won’t line up.

Not sure what's the problem... You label the item you're removing as "--special-item" and the rest as "--normal-item" and everything should line up just fine?

> It would only address the use case of animating grid positions if the underlying mechanism used for it is an SPA, with a framework that doesn't replace elements.

This is fine. Not everyone is building an "SPA". View Transitions can be used to do nice animations for simpler changes within a web page, such as in @jensimmons's demo. Fancy counting functions and string concatenation for building out custom IDs is nice but... if you don't need them, why do we need to require them?  We shouldn't require authors to use complicated mechanisms to do simple things.

In general, the CSSWG shouldn't be designing features for large complicated websites only, but also make things easy to use for smaller, simpler websites (and parts of websites) also. Authors can step up to more complicated solutions as they need them, we shouldn't force them into it prematurely.

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