Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-5] font-size-adjust with missing metrics (#6384)

On the other _topic of computed value_:

@shivamidow  wrote:
> what is the computed value of `font-size-adjust: ic-height from-font` in the proposed resolution? [Is it `ic-height none` or just 'none'](

@svgeesus wrote:
> so the computed value would be
> `none`

I am surprised the computed value would in either situation leak something from what's found in the font files. Whether that's related to a number fount in the font file, or from a heuristic, or none. Don't we need to adjust the [spec text for the computed value]( to include `from-font`? Could it be that was historically not updated when from-font was added? But I might be misunderstanding something here.

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