Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-5] font-size-adjust with missing metrics (#6384)

Given something like
font-family: Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji, Noto Color Emoji, TwEmoji, EmojiOne, SomeOtherEmojiFont, MyLatinFont, MyCyrillicFont, serif;
font-size-adjust: cap-height from-font;
the author may not know exactly what cap-height value will be applied -- it'll depend which of the emoji fonts is actually present to become the "first available font" -- but whatever value is chosen, the author will reasonably expect that both MyLatinFont and MyCyrillicFont should have their cap-heights aligned to it.

It'll be quite unexpected if some users get mismatched sizing of the Latin vs Cyrillic cap-heights because the emoji font that happened to be present on their system didn't provide that metric.

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