Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)


> When I say `background: black`, then switch it to `background: linear-gradient(45deg, black, white)`, it doesn't matter to me HOW the browser is implementing that instruction... I’m simply telling it what I want it to look like. If the browser has to switch to an entirely different rendering approach to implement that instruction in a performant way, that’s a problem for the browser dev, not the CSS dev.

With that example, you're actually advocating for `display: masonry`. You change the value to make it do something different (rendering a color vs rendering a gradient). I've adopted your paragraph and inserted grid and masonry into it:

When I say `display: block`, then switch it to `display: none`, or `display: grid`, or `display: masonry`, it doesn't matter to me HOW the browser is implementing that instruction... I'm simply telling it what I want it to look like. If the browser has to switch to entirely different rendering approach to implement that instruction in a performant way, that’s a problem for the browser dev, not the CSS dev.

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