Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)

Quoting @astearns:

>**Masonry + Grid together**
> Pros:
> No duplicate properties for similar sorts of things
  You can reuse most of what you know about Grid in Masonry
> More complicated value spaces (some apply only to one mode)
   New properties must be designed to accommodate both modes

>**Masonry as a separate display type**
>Less complicated values (each mode has only what it can use)
>New properties are less complicated to add
>Duplicate (or very similar) properties need to be added
>New properties can add to the duplication

Stepping away from the discussion a bit, I feel like this:
> Less complicated values (each mode has only what it can use)

is the most important argument of all. Masonry has no value at all if developers don't adopt it, and I feel like the chances are much higher with a strictly defined syntax. As a speaker and someone who gives workshops on a regular basis, I still run into people who don't understand grid and are still only using flexbox. Blowing up the grid spec even more would exacerbate this problem.

New features (afaik) are introduced for the users - the web developers - and therefore should have the main focus on them to help solve their problems and therefore come with a good UX (Web Developer Experience). Going with _Masonry + Grid together_ feels like we are shifting towards a better DX (Spec Writers - Browser Vendors) at the expense of worse UX by increasing complexity by introducing new edge cases into the spec and thus decreasing the adoption rate.

I feel like I was kind of repeating myself, but I hope you get my point - Take a step back and don't forget who we're introducing this feature for. 

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