Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

**Should “masonry”/“waterfall” be part of CSS Grid or a separate display type??**

Including "masonry" or "waterfall" layouts within CSS Grid makes sense. It's a natural fit for the Grid model and reduces unnecessary complexity.

**Do you want the capabilities to define a single-axis grid with CSS Grid — to use subgrid, spanning, explicit placement, and combining different track sizes? Or do you only want the ability to define a classic masonry layout with equal-sized columns?**

There's no need to sacrifice features when we can have both. Providing the flexibility of CSS Grid for various layouts, including classic masonry, ensures versatility without limitations.

**Will you use this at all? What might you do with it?**

Yes, for sure. I'm aways a fan of sprinkling some asymmetry here and there.


## The problem of invalid API

As [highlighted by]( by @saivan and elaborated on by [Max Hoffmann]( in [this comment](, a significant concern arises from the potential for users to inadvertently create invalid layouts.

.invalid-masonry {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: off /* or masonry, or whatever*/;
  grid-template-columns: off;
/* invalid but still possible */

To mitigate this, introducing a **new property** such as `grid-axes` seems prudent. This property could offer options like `both (default)`, `column`, or `row`, providing clearer guidance for developers.

.columnar-grid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
  grid-axes: column; /* proposed new property */

Handling cases where a user declares `grid-template-*` and subsequently disables it with `grid-axes` should mirror behavior seen with `display: flex` and `align-content` without `flex-wrap: wrap`. In such instances, functionality should be disabled, potentially accompanied by an informative message.


Thus, if `grid-axes` is set to `column`, `grid-template-rows` would be disabled. Similarly, when `grid-axes` is set to `row`, `grid-template-columns` would be disabled. This approach promotes clarity and resilience through the cascade, aiding developers in making informed decisions while avoiding unintended consequences.

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