Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

> Front end develop here. I'd love to have an option for masonry within grid as described in the examples - especially as it seems to naturally fall within the realm of grid (really only changing one property vs having to implement a full new functionality for `display`). I think it functions well with subgrid and I'd enjoy the extra control and customization that seems to allow for. I've had designs presented from a client that were clearly designed to use masonry - I believe I wound up using `columns` to solve that particular need, but I was going down the rabbit hole of the various JS options before settling on `columns`. It was inelegant and lacked and kind of control, so this would have been a much better tool for that implementation. Given that masonry designs don't seem all that common (although maybe that's intentional, and a response to lacking a good tool to implement it), and in my opinion should be no more complex than the examples given in the article, I think this model would fit those needs well.
> Would there ever be a time where the mixed tab order of items would disrupt accessibility?

I will say, the Chrome Developers make a pretty compelling argument as to why masonry should be its own display:

The fact of dimensionality is the most convincing part for me, and the notion that some parts of grid won't be available to us when using masonry, and it will be up to us to remember those things.

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