Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-3] The spec should provide guidance about interop issues related to ink overflow from text (#10066)

> > These glyph-level forms of ink overflow are conceptually quite distinct from the character-level ink overflow that CSS Text 3's hanging glyphs create, and the two cases should be addressed separately.
> I agree they are different. Are you just saying the two cases need separate spec text to account for them specially in defining the extent of ink overflow?

Yes, to the extent that the spec aims to define/explain ink overflow, the two cases should be described separately; in particular, the current PR seems to use the italic-*f* example as though it were related to what CSS Text 3 calls "hanging glyphs", which I think is confusing.

> (Also, both contribute to ink overflow--do you agree?)

They do, though because of the different levels at which they operate, it's conceivable they might be handled differently by an implementation.

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