Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-1] Should view transition names be tree scoped? (#10145)

> My understanding from @bramus is also that `timeline-scope` is able to lift a `scroll-timeline-name` from within a shadow tree to outside of the shadow root. This seems inconsistent with the treating we've resolved on for `view-transition-name`.
> To support cases that were broken by this change, we'd like to have some way of loosening this restriction, whether it's with `contain: names` or something else. I suspect having bespoke language in the VT spec that prevents cross-shadow-dom interactions isn't the right approach

Perhaps we should find a way for allow shadow hosts to delegate view-transition names (and other CSS names), similar to how focus is delegated. So you'd have to define something on the host or the shadow root that says which particular CSS names pierce through the shadow boundary. I didn't think through all the details of this but it's important that a solution we come up with keeps the encapsulation between the shadow and the host, otherwise a custom element would interfere with host view-transitions and vice versa.

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