Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-shapes-2] Consider allowing `<position>` for the `from` and some other points (#10644)

Considering also #10649 , one option is to not use a keyword for this at all, and to change the curve/smooth syntax to give all the points, with an option to switch from `by` to `to` in the middle (but not the opposite):

clip-path: shape(from top left,
  hline by 100px,
  curve by 100px 50px to right bottom,
  curve by 50px 50px 10% 20% var(--x) var(--y),
  smooth to bottom left 0 0,

It's probably nonsensical/confusing to give an absolute position as a control point and *then* continue to a relative one for the next control point or end point.

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