Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-shapes-2] Minor comments on shape() (#5841)

> Per animation, if we _can_ change up the path interpolation rules, I'm all for letting lines/quadratics/cubics all interpolate together (as cubics), tho we'd have to choose where the control points are for the lines - I think they can go literally anywhere on the line without affecting anything? If so, I guess they should either both be in the middle, or maybe the first at the starting point and the second at the ending point?

For animation, let's please not forget #10195 which is kind of a no-brainer.

> But I'd really like to maintain the ability for path() and shape() to interpolate together, so this would change the path() interpolation rules too.

Or we can just re-use `path()` and leave `shape()` open to hosting something better than SVG paths in the future:

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