Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Should `interpolate-size` be a new value to animation/transition-behavior? (#10576)

@nt1m `size-interpolation` was one of the two proposals I used to *start* the discussion of bikeshedding the name -- so I would have been fine with it (particularly if it were the original decision rather than a later revisit), but the discussion at the face-to-face (minutes at moved away from that suggestion.

@LeaVerou I don't want to combine it with something that people actually want to change, because this is designed to be a compatibility opt-in for something that we'd prefer to make the default but can't because of compatibility.  It's something you should be able to set once on the root to opt in to the "correct" behavior and then never touch again.  If we combine it with something else then people need to remember to re-state that opt-in at each use.  See the minutes in (and some of the prior comments) for some discussion of this.

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