Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-mixins] `<dashed-function>` syntax seems invalid (#10558)

Re: your whitespace comment, there's a bit more, too. Here's the syntax, currently:

&lt;@function> = @function <<function-name>> [ ( <<parameter-list>> ) ]?
 [ using ( <<dependency-list>> ) ]?
 [ returns <<type>> ]?

In addition to the `using` detail (`using ()` is allowed, `using()` is illegal), the main parameters are *also* separate and optional, so `@function --foo ()` is allowed, but `@function --foo()` is illegal.

This seems odd; in JS, `function foo() {...}` is, I think, the most common syntactic form (even tho `function foo () {...}` is allowed in JS, too). I think we should probably at minimum switch to that; possibly we can allow both forms, if useful. This is a novel syntactic form, so even tho it's kinda unprecedented, that might still be acceptable.

@andruud , did you intend to write both of these locations with that whitespace, or was it unintended?

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