Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] (ok)lch implementations break the entire purpose for authors (#9449)

Sure, there might be an even more perfect color space down the road. It's totally theoretical, but the theory is great. And if that perfect space ever ships in CSS, colors will continue to go out-of-gamut. And authors should get better behavior than random clipping when that happens.

We can't put this on authors, and expect them to _just keep all their colors in the gamut_. Because the web (by design) is an unreliable context. A cylindrical space with integer boundaries won't change that. We can't expect authors to carefully manage their colors across a web _for everyone, on everything_. Even the most carefully crafted rec2020 colors will continue to go outside the sRGB color space. When that happens, CSS should try and help provide a 'close match' for the majority of use-cases, rather than throwing up our hands.

When clipping is anywhere close to author intent, it's pure luck. That's not a solution, it's a stopped clock. We need an approach to out-of-gamut colors that attempts to maintain author intent. Now that browsers have shipped `color-mix()`, that need is even more urgent. 

The default behavior should help get 90% of use-cases close-enough. And then we can provide additional tools for authors that need additional precision around the edges.

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