Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-images-4] Unclear serialization for cross-fade (#9772)

Is this for serializing the specified value or the computed value?

For the former, percentages can be omitted so they won't be in the serialization.

For the latter:

> If any percentages are omitted, all the specified percentages are summed together and subtracted from 100%, the result is floored at 0%, then divided equally between all images with omitted percentages at computed-value time.

but (presumably at used-value time)

> While this is not reflected in the computed value, when all the arguments’ percentages sum to greater than 100%, the sizing/painting details effectively rescale them so that they sum to exactly 100%. 

So I guess the serialized computed value includes those divided-equally percentages, and maybe the spec is trying to say that?

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