[csswg-drafts] [css-forms-1] Should `::slider-track` always precede `::slider-fill`? (#11330)

cdoublev has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts:

== [css-forms-1] Should `::slider-track` always precede `::slider-fill`? ==
The `::slider-fill` selector expands to `*::slider-fill` and matches nothing, assuming it originates from `::slider-track`, similarly as `::marker` does not select `::before::marker` instead of the form element, according to this non-normative note in [CSS Lists and Counters](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-lists-3/#marker-properties):

  > [!note]
  >  Although the `::marker` pseudo-element can represent the marker box of a `::before` or `::after` pseudo-element, the compound selector `::marker`, which expands to `*::marker`, will not select these markers — ​an originating element that is a pseudo-element needs to be explicitly specified in the selector, e.g. `::before::marker`.

If `::slider-track::slider-fill` should be used instead, I think `::slider-track` should be defined as the originating pseudo-element of `::slider-fill` and/or `::slider-fill` should be defined as a sub-pseudo-element of `::slider-track`, as required in [Selectors](https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/#sub-pseudo-elements):

  > Some pseudo-elements are able to be the originating element of other pseudo-elements, which are defined as the sub-pseudo-elements of this originating pseudo-element. [...]
  > Unless the corresponding sub-pseudo-element is explicitly defined to exist in another specification, pseudo-element selectors are not valid when compounded to another pseudo-element selector.

I asked an identical question for view transition pseudos (#8229) but they are *"selected from their ultimate originating element, the document element"*. I guess they do not need to be preceded by their (absolute) originating pseudo-element because they all are functional pseudo-element selectors (except `::view-transition`, which originates from an element, so `*::view-transition` can match something).

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/11330 using your GitHub account

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Received on Friday, 6 December 2024 06:46:11 UTC