Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-overflow] Line-clamp and approaches to ellipsis insertion (#10844)

The CSSWG resolution accepted breaking at break opportunities in logical order, but not where to visually place the ellipsis in a bidi context. As we discussed, for ease of implementation it would be better to specify the ellipsis as being added after line breaking but before UAX#9 step 3.4 (i.e. per-line reordering), but the question was which embedding level it should have.

The current implementation of `-webkit-line-clamp` in all engines places the ellipsis at line-end, which would correspond to the ellipsis always having the paragraph embedding level (see the [webkit-line-clamp-014.html]( WPT test). If I understand correctly, @aphillips' comment above would map to the ellipsis having the same paragraph embedding level as the first non-whitespace, non-bidi-formatting, character in the hidden remainder of the paragraph. But in TPAC hallway conversations it seemed like other folks (@fantasai?) had other proposals.

The above paragraph assumed that the block overflow ellipsis contains an ellipsis, which is directionally neutral. But the current spec text allows providing a string as the contents of the block overflow ellipsis, which would be a bidi isolate whose directionality would be determined by UAX#9 rules P2 and P3. How would this interact with the above rule?

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