Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)

One option could be to *selectively* merge style properties. It is my opinion that merging has worked well in the past in some cases (`gap` working across both Flexbox and Grid being a good example) but badly in others (IMO the attempt to abstract away axis by using "align" and "justify" for alignment properties was a mistake: this is something which frequently trips up people I try to teach web layout to and even turns them off authoring for the web entirely and I think clearer property names using "block", "inline", "main", "cross", "rows", "columns" would have made a big difference).

We could for example rename `grid-template-columns` to just `columns`, indicating that it applies across both classic Grid and Masonry contexts. While leaving `grid-template-areas` as it is, indicating that it applies only to grid. Perhaps that then nudges us towards a separate `display: masonry` value. Although I think is possibly less important. There is certainly precedent for multiple similar display modes using separate keywords though (e.g. block and flow-root).

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