[csswg-drafts] [css-scroll-snap-2] Should pseudo-elements show up as null SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock/Inline (#10175)

DavMila has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts:

== [css-scroll-snap-2] Should pseudo-elements show up as null SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock/Inline ==
The snap events [spec](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2/#snap-events) indicates that a user-agent should identify the “element” to which a snap container snaps. Since pseudo-elements can also be snap targets and are not elements, this means that a `SnapEvent` for which the selected snap target is a pseudo-element will have its `SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock` (or `snapTargetInline`) as null.

From a developer’s point of view, this means there is some ambiguity about what a null `SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock` means, i.e. it could be mean that a pseudo-element was snapped to or that nothing was snapped to. For example, if a developer wishes to do some visual effect on the item that was snapped to, they might write something like:

scroller.addEventListener(“snapchanged”, (evt) => {
  if (evt.snapTargetBlock) {

If the thing that was snapped to is a pseudo element, the code would not know to achieve `DoVisualEffect` on that pseudo-element.

Perhaps this is okay and developers simply need to be a bit careful about using pseudo elements as snap targets where they expect to interact with snap targets via JavaScript which currently can't interact with pseudo-elements as it can with elements. 

Alternatively, we could have the type of `SnapEvent.snapTargetBlock` be slightly more abstract than an Element, e.g. a `SnapEventTarget` interface such as:

interface SnapEventTarget {
  bool isPseudo;
  Element target;

interface SnapEvent {
  SnapEventTarget snapTargetBlock;
  SnapEventTarget snapTargetInline;

would give the developer a little more information about the thing that was snapped to such that they could modify the earlier example with:

scroller.addEventListener(“snapchanged”, (evt) => {
  if (evt.snapTargetBlock.target) {
  } else if (evt.snapTargetBlock.isPseudo) {

The obvious problem with this approach is that a scroller may have multiple pseudo-elements which are snap targets and there would not be a straightforward way of knowing which of those the snap event was referring to.

Another point of consideration is that the (yet-to-be-spec'd) [`:snapped`](https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scroll-snap-2/#snapped) feature would be able to bridge this gap for pseudo-elements  as far as style-related changes that can be accomplished by CSS. However, it would only be the equivalent of `snapchanged` and not `snapchanging`. Perhaps an equivalent `:snapping` CSS selector would be worth considering.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10175 using your GitHub account

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