Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Distinguish between old and new DOM in CSS (#9424)

> For us the `updateTheDOMSomehow` is almost always a route transition, so `history.pushState`. 

It must do other things as well, no? `pushState` doesn't change the DOM.

> We certainly could use a similar syntax to what you're describing, but it also would mean folks would need to honor a pattern like `data-current="search"`, and when you start scoping smaller like an image that becomes harder to manage overall.

This pattern is an example, I'm suggesting to use whatever your DOM already exposes when you change screens.
I don't understand "when you start scoping smaller like an image"?

> Yeah agreed on the ghost side-effect, but it sounds pretty interesting. We weren't trying to do that but if we ever had a CSS way to trigger a view transition then this side effect combined would make things very fascinating.

It would be interesting, trying to understand if it's useful/needed by anyone... we can leave this issue open to see if that need emerges.

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