Re: [csswg-drafts] [selectors] Is it intentional that :has(:is()) is different from :has()? (#9422)

Ohhhh, I glossed right over the fact that the inner `@scope` was just holding raw properties. Sorry, it is indeed equivalent to the `&` desugaring in your first block.

But your second desugaring isn't at all correct. First, the `#middle` is nested relative to the outer rule, so it's effectively `:is(#outer #inner) #middle` (aka just `#outer #inner #middle`). Then the `&` matches the elements matched by the scoping root, so it's *also* effectively `#outer #inner #middle`.

It looks like you're assuming the `&` "skips past" the `@scope` rule and is relative to the nearest "normal" style rule, but that's not the case. This is defined by <> (and a little bit by <>).

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