Re: [csswg-drafts] [selectors] Is it intentional that :has(:is()) is different from :has()? (#9422)

I'm sorry, I don't understand your example there. Ignoring the obvious difference in the ordering of the selectors, the two do act identically - they're both *basically* equivalent to just concatenating the selectors. (And neither would match.) Are you thinking of a more complicated example that actually shows a difference in the nesting?

> things that implicitly create a scope like @scope / :has()...

`@scope` (and Nesting) both have easy ways to escape that "implicit scope" caused by relative selectors, tho - just put an `&` or `:scope` in the inner selector. In all these cases the "scoping" is just a very light convenience feature caused by relative selectors, not an actual boundary in any sense.

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