Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

I'm trying to understand what our base qualifiers are. IIUC, the idea is that going forward these base qualifiers can be combined with each other (using and/or operators). I was expecting those to be:

- from/to URL (to should be post redirects?).
- navigation type: push, traverse, replace, reload.
- same-document vs cross-document

`same-origin` is simply a shorthand for `to: urlpattern(/*)` (any same-origin URL).

But sounds like you're suggesting `reload` being another base qualifier which can't be combined with any other qualifier. Is that reasonable? For example, what happens if there is a reload which results in a same-site navigation after redirects. Don't we want authors to be able to express that with something like `@view-transition same-site reload { trigger: navigation; }`.

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