Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text-4] move "balance | stable | pretty" out of text-wrap (#9102)

Ideas mentioned in the discussion (I’m omitting some GPT ideas that are obviously bad, like e.g. `text-wrap-allowance`):

### Property names

#### Design Notes

- We did vote against making "longhands must start with shorthand + hyphen" a solidified design principle, so we are not bound by it, we can invent a wholly new property name if it improves understandabiity
- Even if we do want to follow the principle, we have two shorthands here that we could use. Starting with `white-space-*` is totally fair game too.
- I don't think we should introduce a whole new prefix, unless we plan to define a new shorthand down the line. E.g. no `text-flow-wrap` without `text-wrap` being a (current or future) shorthand 
- All proposed ideas have focused around enabled being the "active" value and disabled the "negative" value. We should probably explore the design space of properties named after *disabling* wrapping (ensuring to avoid double negatives!). 

#### `text-wrap-*`

* `text-wrap-mode`[^1] (current)
* `text-wrap-enabled`[^2]
* `text-wrap-allow` / `text-wrap-allowed`[^2]
* `text-wrap-policy`[^1]
* `text-wrap-behavior`[^1]
* `text-wrap-preference`[^3]

[^1]: Does not sound like a toggle, but like a way to control the wrapping algorithm (i.e. what `text-wrap-style` does)
[^2]: Binary switch, which we tend to avoid
[^3] Sounds optional, but this property doesn't just *discourage* wrapping, it completely disables it.

#### `white-space-*`

* `white-space-wrap`

#### Not starting with either shorthand

* `text-flow`

### Property values

#### Design Notes

* Obviously not all value pairs go with all possible names
* `wrap | nowrap` have the obvious edge here, as they are consistent with `flex-wrap`, `nowrap` is also consistent with the existing `white-space` values.

#### Value pairs

* `wrap` | `nowrap`
* `auto | never`
* `auto | none`
* `on | off`
* `auto | off`
* `auto | disable`

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