Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] font-stretch is unfortunately named (#551)

Putting this back on the agenda to choose between two options:

**1) Add `font-width` which is an exact alias for `font-stretch`.**

Adds no new features. Old sites won't update. However 99.6% of existing `font-stretch` is redundantly setting it to the initial value. Causes problems if both are used (with different values) and clutters the CSS OM.

**2) Add a more visible note to explain the bad name**

- the name is _historical_ and _unfortunate_
- it **does not** geometrically stretch the glyphs

The spec already forbids stretching:

> User agents must not synthesize stretched faces for font families which lack actual stretched faces.

But making that clear earlier in the property description might help

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