Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] The spec should not allow UAs to ignore user-installed fonts (#5421)

I think what makes sense is:

1. It doesn't make any sense to discuss this in the taxonomy section. I think the taxonomy section should just simply describe, well, taxonomy, rather than its implications on other algorithms. There fore, I think we should replace both "The set of [installed fonts]( available in the [Font Matching Algorithm]( is explicitly undefined" and "User agents may choose to ignore User-Installed Fonts for the purpose of the [Font Matching Algorithm](" with "Please see [Font Matching Algorithm]( for a description of how user-installed fonts may interact with the font matching algorithm.

2. Add a paragraph to 5. Font Matching Algorithm that describes the tradeoff. Something like:

> The set of [installed fonts]( available in the [Font Matching Algorithm]( is explicitly undefined.
> Note: UAs may choose to expose all installed fonts to the web, regardless of how that font was installed; doing so is likely to have good internationalization properties for users whose primary language is not supported by fonts shipping with their operating system. UAs may alternatively choose to not expose user-installed fonts to aid privacy on the web; for the set of installed fonts a user has installed is often used as a tracking vector to track users across the web. UAs may choose a hybrid approach, where some user-installed fonts are exposed for internationalization, but others aren't. UAs are expected to make informed decisions on which fonts they expose to the web, so as to balance between internationalization and privacy.

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