Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-pseudo-4] Fine-tuning ::first-letter punctuation pattern matching (#5830)

@fantasai Upon revisiting the resolution on this issue, I've identified a potential oversight that could significantly affect Norwegian typography.

The decision to exclude both the regular space (U+0020) and the no-break space (U+00A0) from either side of the letter inadvertently limits the utility of the ::first-letter pseudo-element for Norwegian texts. In Norwegian typography, direct speech is often indicated with an n-dash that's separated from the subsequent character by a space. (As discussed in Due to the challenges of entering special characters on many devices, authors often resort to using a regular space or, _at best_, a no-break space between the n-dash and the first letter.

By excluding these spaces before the letter, we risk rendering the `::first-letter` pseudo-element less practical for Norwegian content. Given that other languages, such as French, also utilize spaces between punctuation and the initial letter, this decision might have broader implications. I genuinely believe this deserves another look. Would it be possible to reevaluate this decision?"

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