Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries-5] Script control of (prefers-*) queries (#6517)

Last year I wrote about this problem space and why authors need this [on my blog](

To accompany that article, I also built [an interactive prototype]( that shows how it would work:

- Use one of the dropdowns to change the OS / Browser / Site level setting. These settings work as a waterfall.
- Use the links in the page itself to change the Site level setting _(these would call the proposed API)_
- Use the button in the UA chrome itself to change the Site level setting.

Try the prototype here:

Notice how everything is nicely in sync:

- Setting the value at the site level from within the page gets reflected in the UA’s settings _(note how the button next to the address bar changes)_.
- Changing the Site’s level via the UA-provided botton is immediately reflected on the page in the MQ.

_(This UA provided button could be a setting pane somewhere. I added it to this prominent place for demonstration purposes)_

By syncing this setting to the UA’s per-site settings – similiar to how you control access to camera, geolocation, etc – it can persist those settings in your profile and sync it across devices.

As noted in, changing the value from within script should have the proper safeguards. E.g. the UA could ask for confirmation the first time a site wants to change the value, similar to how sharing your geolocation works.

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