Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-syntax] Dashed-ident rules and error recovery (#9336)

Yup, this looks like just a mistake; I didn't mean for this hungry behavior to apply at the top-level.

The *intention* of the hungry behavior is that it's already *very* difficult for custom properties to *actually* ever be invalid, so an "ambiguous rule" like `--foo:hover {...}` would *virtually never* fail the "looks like a declaration" test and actually parse as a rule. To avoid that being a super rare case, I just catch it in the "consume a rule" algo and force it to continue to act like a custom property.

But since custom props (or any props at all) can't exist on the top level of a stylesheet, there's no reason to worry about it. That is, `--really-a-prop:hover and-more-weird-values` is just unreasonable to interpret as a property at the top level of a stylesheet.

So yeah, I propose that we do indeed guard against this. Specifically, in <>, in the `{-token` branch, if we see something that looks like a custom property, then we behave differently based on whether it's nested or not: if nested, we do the current behavior (force it to be a custom property and throw it away), if not nested, we just consume the {} block and then throw it away.

This maintains the constant I want to maintain about where `--foo:hover {...}` rules are allowed (nowhere), and avoids eating an entire stylesheet.

Agenda+ to confirm this with the WG.

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