Re: [csswg-drafts] URL encoding of CSS values (#9301)

@annevk sounds like we're both saying we'd be happy to ship if the other proves it safe by shipping first. Deadlock.

Another way forward is to do the kind of web compat analysis required by the Blink launch process. In this case, I think an analysis of CSS resources in http archive could be enough. Concretely, look for any CSS files served with a non-UTF8 encoding, and within those look for any non-ASCII bytes in the query component of any URL. Make a list of all of them, then randomly sample 50. For each, load the site including that CSS in Chrome, Firefox and Safari and see if there's any observable difference.

Is that something you'd be willing to do? I could do the blink-dev paperwork pointing to such an analysis and predict we'd try to ship it.

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