Re: [csswg-drafts] Interpolate values between breakpoints (#6245)

> But if we add a new property, can we decide on a new mechanism without breaking anything, i.e. decide it uses same origin it's defined in?

Got it. I think this is interesting, and I'm not sure it would _need_ a cascade-layering mechanic to work – though that might be a nice addition at some point. My initial expectation would be something like:

- (name TBD) `interpolate:  [<keyframes> <timeline> <easing>?]#;`
- We treat the property somewhat like a 'mixin' or 'macro', inserting the interpolated properties from keyframes in-place, where `interpolate` is defined. Those declarations cascade as though defined in the same location as the `interpolate` declaration, and in the order listed (in case multiple keyframes define the same property).

> That [`font-size: from-keyframes(typography, 50%)`] sounds approachable as well. As long as `from-keyframes()` doesn't end up on the computed value.

There's clearly more work needed to flesh out the details. But in my mind, either of these approaches would address the concerns about _how the values are applied_ in the cascade, and remove the `mix()` pre-requisite. 


On the other end we have _how timelines are defined_. I do like the idea that this feature could/should play well with scroll timelines etc. And I take the point that this is only _one more example_ for why we need additive cascade – that shouldn't block us. And @flackr, I think I understand now, you were suggesting an interpretation of `timeline-range: normal`? That makes sense to me, sorry I didn't follow. 

I do think it would also help to have a more generic timeline-defining function like the one @emilio proposed? That would somewhat relieve the need for new timeline functions for every specific use-case.

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