Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Use of 100vw is causing pointless horizontal scrollbars on some websites (#6026)

In our product we're currently essentially calculating the `scrollbar-inline-size` via JS, creating an invisible block with an overflow, and retrieving its width if it has one, then storing it as a custom property on root, to be used in calculations.

Being able to use a keyword for this, alongside a query to detect if scrollbars are present on a container would be very helpful.

Why I'm mentioning “keyword” and “container” rather than an “environment variable” and “media query”: we have `scrollbar-width` which can control if we have the scrollbar, and we can have a container that _can_ be scrolled programmatically when it has `overflow: hidden`. That means that authors could want to a) detect if a certain scrollport has a visible scrollbar, and b) get the width of a scrollbar in that case, which can be different for different containers (`scrollbar-width` and also current webkit scrollbar pseudo-elements).

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