Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)

What I mean is, since there is *no* column auto-selection *at all*, this isn't Masonry. Masonry's entire reason for existing is to allow you to place items according to the tracks' current fill height; if you're skipping that entirely, then Masonry might not be the right abstraction for this. This is especially true if reusing Masonry as the layout abstraction for this (and making changes to accommodate it) would harm more core use-cases.

On the other hand, nothing about this case is particularly unusual for Grid. New functionality is needed (flowing multiple items into one cell as if they were grouped into a container element), but it's immediately compatible with the rest of Grid, too; it doesn't force us to reshape anything *else* about grid to accommodate it. As far as Grid is concerned it's *exactly* like just having a container element filled with stuff, and that's exactly what the use-case needs and wants out of it.

So yes, in theory we could address *some* variations of this "flow multiple items into one grid cell" use-case with Masonry, but we can't hit all of them, and even for the ones we can do, it requires adding additional features to Masonry that harm the core use-cases.

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