Re: [csswg-drafts] Alternate masonry path forward (#9041)

> * No ability to place a masonry item in an explicit row/column. I personally haven't seen people do this. Personally I don't think it's needed, and somewhat harmful accessibility wise.

For what it's worth, I do have a use case for that at That page has two columns. And those columns contain different sections, which are placed explicitly in those columns. In horizontal direction the sections are meant to align on tracks while vertically they should be independent from each other. At the same time, they are explicitly placed in one of the tracks.

![Homepage layout at](

The two-column split is just one example. There are other pages which use three or even four columns.

So, this seems to be a perfect match for masonry layout.

And I believe, basically every website that is split into several columns could benefit from masonry layout.
Take [MDN]( for example.
Instead of using Grid, its three-column layout could be done using masonry, i.e.

display: masonry;
masonry-template: minmax(0,1fr) minmax(0,2.5fr) minmax(0,15rem);

The point of using Masonry here is that the height of the items should not depend on each other nor on a grid.

So, I'd vote for a `masonry-track` property that allows to place items explicitly in a track.


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