Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Abort transition if the navigation takes too long (#9155)

> Might want to treat that as a transition from a blank/unknown URL rather than blocking the transition entirely. I think it's a bit of a separate question from whether it's taking too long to load the page.

There's a couple of cases for slow loads where we might want a different strategy:

- The server took too long to respond. In these cases we leave the current Document interactive, because the server response might cancel the navigation (like a 204). In the meantime the user can still interact with the page or hit the stop button.
   I don't know if we want to start the timer for "slow load" until we have a server response. The fact that the current page is interactive/animating makes me think not. But I might be biased because I want more transitions. ^_^

- The server has responded, we've unloaded the old Document and the visual buffer is showing last paint of old content until the new Document is ready. So there are no animations in the page content and user input doesn't work. At some point the browser has to clear the visual buffer (so the user understands that the new page is loading).
    This scenario lines up with your thinking of: "I think it's a bit of a separate question from whether it's taking too long to load the page". It's conceptually similar to the problem in perhaps. If we don't have any state from the old Document then its basically the new Document doing a bunch of entry animations on a blank tab.

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