Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-4] `system-ui` generic font keyword and lang attribute (#9518)

There's a passing remark in the spec (in Example 6) about:

> how [system-ui]( is expanded to include a collection of system user interface fonts

which I think relates to the idea that there may not be a single "UI font" that covers everything, so "the UI font" may in fact be multiple fonts, with language support being the obvious basis on which they'd be organized. But then the question arises as to how to choose which font from the "collection of system user interface fonts" to use for any given piece of content, if there's any overlap whatsover in their coverage.

And that, I guess, is where the content `lang` comes into play, implicitly... e.g. the collection might include both a Naskh Arabic font and a Nastaliq font, both covering the Arabic character repertoire, and `lang=ar` vs `lang=ur` guides the choice of which to use.

But that's all somewhat vague, and could certainly use clarification.

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