Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Idea to make "`var()` for regular properties" implementable (#9454)

> Note that `border-radius` can be something like `1px 2px 3px 4px / 5px 6px 7px 8px`. 

Hence why I wrote "in the simple case (single radii, single box model metrics)"

> What would `calc()` do with that, invalid at computed-value time? 

Yup. Same as custom property `var()`, why would there be a difference?

> What authors would probably want would be closer to 
> [snip]
> So even if this could be helpful in very simple cases, it seems it would make it easy for the authors to shoot themselves in their foot as things get a bit more complex.

Sure, but it makes it possible for tools to be built that do the right thing. Or mixin libraries, once we have a mechanism for that.

> And even if this is limited to a few properties, it still has the risk of preventing desirable property dependencies in the future to avoid breaking existing pages.
But wouldn't it also eliminate the need for these dependencies?

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