Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] ? Allow <textarea> to be sized by contents. (#7542)

I would like the idea to choose on which axis the field gets (re)sized. So a property with multiple values might be an idea...

Also, shouldn't this be more consistent with a "resize" terminology?

field-resize-type: content;
field-resize-direction: inline/block/x/y

Resulting in a field-resize: content block.
Yes, the use case for inline will be a lot less, but I don't think we should exclude this completely. 

Could we do this by updating the resize property? 
resize: vertical; would still do what it does today. But upgrading it to have more possible values and possibly create a shorthand from it. Not sure if that last one is even slightly possible. But just putting it out there.

Then the new properties would be:
resize-type: content;
resize-direction: horizontal, vertical, inline, block

And shorthand:
resize: content vertical;
While making sure that resize: vertical; is still allowed and keeps working

I am not an expert on the matter, but wanted to make sure that options like this were considered. Not sure if it's possible, but going this route feels a bit more consistent. 

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