Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-borders-4] New `border-radius` value for perfectly matching nested radii (#7707)

> agree, `match-nearest-parent` is weak compared to specifying which container to compute against 👍🏻 
> could combine @justinfagnani and @DarkWiiPlayer) suggestions?
> ```css
> .card {
>   container: card / normal;
>   border-radius: 24px;
> }
> .card picture {
>   border-radius: concentric(card) concentric(card) 0 0;
> }
> ```
> if authors don't specify the container, it's the nearest container by default:
> ```css
> .card picture:only-child {
>   border-radius: concentric();
> }
> ```

Does it work if there are many wrapping elements between .Card and the picture? I mean there are common situations where you don't have control over where the element with `concentric()` is placed. And the nearest parent may not have any `border-radius` set. 

Is that bad if the keyword/function behaves like the position absolute (depending on the first position relative ancestor), in this case depending on to the first ancestor with `border-radius`?

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