Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] hue interpolation `longer` when `hue` components are missing (#9224)

@svgeesus So this seems like a surprising revelation. In the past, the resolution of undefined values seemed to be handled during the actual interpolation, not before. Currently, this is exactly how Color.js handles things. Below, we do not get 270deg, but carryforward is also not implemented.

> new Color("hsl(90deg 50% 50%)").mix('hsl(none 50% 50%)', {space: 'hsl', hue: 'longer'});
Color {
  space: <ref *1> ColorSpace {
    id: 'hsl',
    name: 'HSL',
    base: RGBColorSpace {
      id: 'srgb',
      name: 'sRGB',
      base: [RGBColorSpace],
      aliases: undefined,
      fromBase: [Function: fromBase],
      toBase: [Function: toBase],
      coords: [Object],
      white: [Array],
      formats: [Object],
      referred: 'display',
      path: [Array]
    aliases: undefined,
    fromBase: [Function: fromBase],
    toBase: [Function: toBase],
    coords: { h: [Object], s: [Object], l: [Object] },
    white: [ 0.9504559270516716, 1, 1.0890577507598784 ],
    formats: { hsl: [Object], hsla: [Object] },
    referred: undefined,
    path: [ [ColorSpace], [RGBColorSpace], [RGBColorSpace], [Circular *1] ]
  coords: [ 90, 50, 50 ],
  alpha: 1

But now, the act of carrying forward, which I was under the impression carried forward undefined values only, is also now resolving undefined values with the context of colors before and after it and no longer waiting for interpolation which seemed to be what was implied here?

> If a color with a carried forward [missing component]( is interpolated with another color which is not missing that component, the missing component is treated as having the other color’s component value.

Has Color.js always been wrong, or does carryforward fundamentally change this? I have to admit, I can see why browsers may be doing this differently than others. I find it unintuitive that carryforward would resolve the undefined values in this manner.

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