Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Behavior of mismatching types between old and new document (#9526)

Just a quick clarification on and knowing it all up front. I'm not necessarily sure that'll always be the case. The majority of our use cases would know the current type such as `SearchResults` and then we'd have a generic router implementation that at that stage would know the "to" page, ie: `home-details | experience-details`.

I'm very much in favor of it being a mutable option for `type` to be able to use the `active-view-transition` to differentiate ones where we are going from specific types of pages to the other.

Another use case would be someone clicks from `SearchResults` to `Profile`, we would likely use multiple "tags" on the `type`, both `['profile', 'account-page']` and try to do a Slide in from edge or similar type effect and want to use the `:active-view-transition` to do that. I think with that though my original question on would still be how do we distinguish knowing old vs new is still a question.

**To re-iterate our current use-cases and strategy:**
We semantically map all of our elements that _might participate_ in a View Transition. So for a `<navigation-panel>` we might set a `view-transition-name: --navigation-panel` and on a more specific surface we might have a `--details-amenities-panel`. At the time we initiate the call to `startViewTransition` we apply a class to the document that maps `--navigation-panel` to `navigation-panel` and `--details-amenities-panel` to `details-panel`. Sometimes we might have to map `navigation-panel` to a different component on old vs new, old might map to `--navigation-panel` and new might map `navigation-panel` to `--amenities-navigation-panel`. 

We _do_ at our current stage know the type of animation we want to do, but as we scale up I would assume we're going to want to use the more generic bits like I mention before: `profile -> search` and `search -> details -> checkout -> confirmation`. We'd want to define both a generic and specific set of configurations on those so we have a general navigation model, but also using the specificity mentioned be able to do something more specific like a Contextual Grow. The more basic navigation model would apply to all navigations for common types, and if a surface wants to "get fancy" they can be more specific and do the multiple tags for their specific flow, like `:active-view-transition(search-to-pdp, contextual-grow)`. In that case we would no longer match the generic `search-to-pdp, slide-in-from-edge` and would instead do the more fancy version.

**Here are some examples so ya'll have an idea of some of what we're trying to accomplish.**

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