Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Use of 100vw is causing pointless horizontal scrollbars on some websites (#6026)

Some situation that came to mind today:

1. Say the window’s `innerWidth` is 1000px. After subtracting the scrollbar-width _(assuming a classic `16px`)_ that would have `100vw` be computed to `984px`.
2. Now say on the page you have a scrollable `<div>` with a width of `50vw`. Taking half of `984px`, that would give it a width of `492px`. Because of its scrollbar, there’s “only” `476px` available space inside of it left though.
3. Now comes the part where authors might get tripped up: if they then size something inside that `<div>` to be `50vw`, they will end up with a horizontal scrollbar again, as the computed width is `492px` and not the leftover `476px`.

If you know what’s happening that is expected behavior, yet it might trip up some authors. It also underlines that this automatic subtraction only solves the `100vw` case on the root scroller. A solution with an envvar would allow fixing all those cases, but puts the burden on the author to take it into account.

Related to the third bullet point above: in that case, maybe we should also do the same for `100cqi` with the same conditions on the container? Demo:

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