Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] Extra spacing between ideographs and non-fullwidth punctuation/symbols (#9479)

> @xfq Thank you. Got it. Do you know why `ideograph-alpha` and `ideograph-numeric` are created when "non-ideograph" might be all what you need? I can't think of scenarios where you create a space only with letters, or only with numbers. They surely do create unbalanced spacing because there are words that start with one kind and end with a different kind like we are seeing with the examples.
> If they are truly useful and needed despite added complexities, I agree `ideograph-symbol`, or actually `ideograph-everything-else` would be necessary. And a definition of `non-ideograph` that covers all characters that are not ideographs would also be super useful.

I agree that adding extra spacing only between ideographs and non-ideographic letters, or only between ideographs and non-ideographic numerals is not useful. However, there are some characters that should *not* have extra spacing between ideographs and them, such as:

* some Chinese/Japanese punctuation, like 。、,:;!?「」()《》——……
* footnote marks like *, †, ‡, and ◊
* emoji

There are also some characters that I'm not sure, such as Taixuanjing symbols (like U+1D300), mahjong tiles (like U+1F000), Xiangqi symbols (like U+1FA60), copyright/copyleft signs, and so on.

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