Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-1] Need ability to say "don't render" when anchor is off-screen (#7758)

This is an *excellent* argument, and a great idea. Yeah, I think being able to clip to the box that you're using for overflow bounds sounds great.

Not sure we should default to `clip`, tho - allowing the element to extend out of the element by default seems fine. Like, a tooltip should be able to poke out a bit. In particular, I think that the behavior if you get it wrong is better if we default to `visible`: if you *mean* to clip and forget it's probably pretty obvious in common cases (you'll have things floating in space randomly on the page), while if we default to clip and you *mean* to use `visible` that's only obvious if the element happens to get positioned near the edge so it overflow a little bit. Plus in general it better fits our "fail visible/open" policy in CSS - you should usually design defaults so that if the author doesn't think about it the content is still visible, even if it makes the page ugly.

Okay, so I'm inclined to just go ahead and edit in #8724 and this one. I'll review #8200 as well to see if I want to go ahead and pull it in, too.

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