Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-1] Move CSS View Transitions Level 1 to CR (#8878)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[css-view-transitions-1] Move CSS View Transitions Level 1 to CR`.

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;emeyer> khush: Latest published specification has changes from all the issues<br>
&lt;chris> q+ to comment on I18n review status<br>
&lt;emeyer> …I think the spec is ready to go for CR, with a couple of horizontal reviews pending<br>
&lt;fremy> @kush, there is a typo in the Changes section (documentElememt > documentElement)<br>
&lt;emeyer> …There are new features we want to take up in the next version, especially cross-document navigation<br>
&lt;emeyer> Rossen: What’s the timeline for the horizontal reviews?<br>
&lt;Rossen_> ack chris<br>
&lt;Zakim> chris, you wanted to comment on I18n review status<br>
&lt;emeyer> chris: I think we can say we’ve dealt with questions and can move forward<br>
&lt;emeyer> fantasai: There are several issues inline in the spec, and we should address them<br>
&lt;emeyer> …I can also do an i18n review<br>
&lt;emeyer> …For view-transition-group, the user stylesheet is top left and I think maybe it should be block-start inline-start<br>
&lt;Rossen_> ack fantasai<br>
&lt;emilio> q+<br>
&lt;emilio> q-<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: The idea is that we’re positioning using transforms, which don’t care about logical coordinates<br>
&lt;emeyer> fantasai: Generally we try to close out all issues, but I don’t think you have a lot<br>
&lt;Rossen_> q?<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: Everything with the label …transitions-2, those don’t count<br>
&lt;emeyer> fantasai: I think the top left versus block/inline is the only thing outstanding<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: Is it okay for us to resolve that once the positioning question is resolved, we can go to CR?<br>
&lt;emeyer> Rossen: I don’t see why we can’t come back next week once the last question is resolved<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: I’m good with that<br>
&lt;emeyer> fantasai: Are the inline issues in the spec things we can unblock?<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: Things in the index are for better cross-referencing<br>
&lt;emeyer> …None of them are functional changes<br>
&lt;emeyer> Rossen: The question is, how many of those can be tackled before published?  Once it’s CR, people will start referring to it, so we’d like it to be more presentable<br>
&lt;emeyer> khush: I’ll address those<br>
&lt;emeyer> fantasai: If you need something else published, let me and Tab know<br>
&lt;emeyer> Rossen: I thank that’s all we can do for today<br>
&lt;emeyer> s/thank/think/<br>
&lt;fantasai> ACTION: fantasai to do a full review of view transitions spec<br>

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