Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-animations] Proposal: Add a way to make the animation timing function apply to the whole animation (#8881)

Thanks for the pointer @birtles, I learned something new! And the terminology in the Web Animations spec suggests a few more potential names for a new CSS animation property:

- `animation-progress-function`
- `animation-effect-timing-function` (also suggested by @graouts)
- `animation-time-transform`

Personally, I'm starting to like the sound `animation-effect-timing-function`, because it hints that we could also introduce a new animation shorthand called `animation-effect` for specifying various effect-wide animation properties. 

Thus, in my initial example, this would look like:
.my-element {
  animation-name: move;
  animation-effect-timing-function: linear(0 0%, 0.5 80%, 1 100%);
  animation-duration: 5s;
  /* or just... */
  animation-effect: move 5s linear(0 0%, 0.5 80%, 1 100%);

@keyframes move {
  from { translate: 0 0; }
  20% { translate: 100px 0; }
  to { translate: 300px 0; }
which would be semantically equivalent to the following Web Animations code:
  translate: ["0 0", "100px 0", "300px 0"],
  offset: [0, 0.2, 1]
}, {
  easing: "linear(0 0%, 0.5 80%, 1 100%)",
  duration: 5000,

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